The largest video game trade show in Europe took place last weekend. Large developers and manufacturers cited in Cologne in an event that is becoming more successful.
For the first time the tickets available for each day were exhausted and assistance of 2014 in more than 60 thousand people was exceeded. There we could see the titles
for a final rapier to the current generation and those that will open the doors to the new. Let’s start by reviewing the Gamescom 2013.
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Microsoft opened the festival. Three titles have been much of the role. The people at Lionhead Studios have used to present a new game in the ‘Fable’ franchise, ‘Fable
Legends’, focusing on the online co-op. We play up with three colleagues and thanks to SmartGlass, one can take the role of bad to put the most difficult things to
rest. ‘Call of Duty Ghosts’ had to be there, of course. The great contribution by Activision is working to create programs for the Microsoft machine which will give
greater stability and fluidity to our online games servers. Of course, the star of all conferences Xbox One continues siende ‘Ryse of Rome’. This gladiator game looks
better and better, and Crytek have used Gamescom to talk online. We compete to become the best gladiator of the empire in 11 multiplayer maps that promise to be
increasing. And good news to close this summary: One each booking will accompany Xbox ada a download code for ‘FIFA 15′ free, another good reason to not wait until the
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A SONY would touch a little later. As we have used this year or have to talk about games and more games. Trends also send in the video game industry, so I have taken
the Gamescom conference space to give independent developers. We have seen how the output of ‘Minecraft’, indie by definition innovative ‘FEZ’, the new of The Chinese
Room or ‘Rime’, title developped by espa? Oles Tequila Works which has an amazing painting was confirmed. But all have been small titles years, of course, the triple A
have also had their share of ownership. Without going any further, ‘Gran Turismo 6′ PS3 opened the conference. In this installment, the best brands in our prototypes
hands will never passed the paper. The departure date confirmed for 6th December this year. Following the flagship, we have seen ‘GTA V’ moving and presentation of
‘LittleBigPlanet Hub’, the great game of Sackboy now goes to the free model. PS Vita For we have seen titles like Batman Arkham Blackgate Origins’ or ‘Lego Marvel Super
Heroes’, but on the pitch for’ Borderlands 2 ‘promises to be the first great shooter laptop. PS4 must start by saying that we have official date: November 29 will be in
our stores. ? Companion ando to the release date we have enjoyed once again ‘Watch Dogs’, ‘Infamous: Second are’ unfortunately falls off the list of launch titles, more
‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’, but above all, we have seen first remote PS Vita game ‘Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’. The style of Wii U, and we have seen how well it works
the PS Vita as a remote display.
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The last major conference was the EA, but actually took place between those of Microsoft and Sony. The Electronic Arts took the German trade fair to showcase their
great titles to the large European audience. Since this is a multi-platform presentation, the title would open the conference was ‘The Sims 4′, the next installment of
one of the best selling games in history. Sims now act on their emotions, something totally new, and promise to have significantly improved the building of houses. From
sagas are going, taught us? An a new ‘Command & Conquer’ campaign mode for 2014? For solo or cooperative, new units, special abilities, the essence of the series with
some other again? I one added. Of course they could not miss the successful franchises in recent years: the saga of cars continue ‘Need for Speed Rivals’ and Bioware
hand, the new ‘Dragon Age Inquisition’. The impressive ‘Titanfall’ showed his immense online about robots in a video mode that leaves considerably high level hype. But
the jewel in the crown is kept for last. ‘Battlefield 4′. They set the date for the online beta for October and left to see the new system and the destruction of
physical scenarios in real time.