FIFA Coins Shop

Monday, November 17, 2014

How to Use Right Method to Make FIFA 15 Coins is the worldwide leading fifa coins supplier, offer cheapest fifa 15 coins for ps4, ps3, xbox one, xbox 360, pc and ios, today mmobays will tell you how to make fifa 15 coins in right method.

You might have heard of the Method that is used for making FIFA 15 coins effectively. The moments when there are more gamers will have several times more traffic compared to the moments with much less traffic. We will analyze the best moments to sell or buy cards to make FIFA coins.
It is good to buy cards during 1:00 am to 6:00 am. However, since there are fewer active gamers in market, its absolutely hard to sell. There are fewer cards you can buy while since the competition become lower, its possible to find out good opportunities. Well suggest you to bid some items that you find cheap even if youre not active during the period. Youll get chances to make FIFA coins from them.

The good time to sell cards is during 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Despite the large competition, as the traffic gets to the most, the sales will increase dramatically. The phenomenon which happens in the category four will be stronger in this time. Its when the inexperienced gamers come and so great bargains appear.

The amount of FIFA 15 coins you could make with the method will be unlimited since you are able to find endless profitable profits.

It is easy to use this Method. You could use it as frequently as you want. It will work well combined with some other methods. To be rich of FIFA coins is often an advantage in this game. Even if youve known market quite well, which is required, you might be harmed by the price fluctuation that happens suddenly. You should be cautious when the cards become too cheap. This market might have ever changed, you dont realize and you might think about that the low prices are the influence of the time that youre buying. Be careful and you will not lose your FIFA 15 coins.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

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The largest video game trade show in Europe took place last weekend. Large developers and manufacturers cited in Cologne in an event that is becoming more successful.
For the first time the tickets available for each day were exhausted and assistance of 2014 in more than 60 thousand people was exceeded. There we could see the titles
for a final rapier to the current generation and those that will open the doors to the new. Let’s start by reviewing the Gamescom 2013.

The FIFA 15 Coins PC are delivered via player auction system and it is totally safe and secure for buying it online, which saves you much time and energy on matches in game for earning coins .

Microsoft opened the festival. Three titles have been much of the role. The people at Lionhead Studios have used to present a new game in the ‘Fable’ franchise, ‘Fable
Legends’, focusing on the online co-op. We play up with three colleagues and thanks to SmartGlass, one can take the role of bad to put the most difficult things to
rest. ‘Call of Duty Ghosts’ had to be there, of course. The great contribution by Activision is working to create programs for the Microsoft machine which will give
greater stability and fluidity to our online games servers. Of course, the star of all conferences Xbox One continues siende ‘Ryse of Rome’. This gladiator game looks
better and better, and Crytek have used Gamescom to talk online. We compete to become the best gladiator of the empire in 11 multiplayer maps that promise to be
increasing. And good news to close this summary: One each booking will accompany Xbox ada a download code for ‘FIFA 15′ free, another good reason to not wait until the
last minute to buy?.

A SONY would touch a little later. As we have used this year or have to talk about games and more games. Trends also send in the video game industry, so I have taken
the Gamescom conference space to give independent developers. We have seen how the output of ‘Minecraft’, indie by definition innovative ‘FEZ’, the new of The Chinese
Room or ‘Rime’, title developped by espa? Oles Tequila Works which has an amazing painting was confirmed. But all have been small titles years, of course, the triple A
have also had their share of ownership. Without going any further, ‘Gran Turismo 6′ PS3 opened the conference. In this installment, the best brands in our prototypes
hands will never passed the paper. The departure date confirmed for 6th December this year. Following the flagship, we have seen ‘GTA V’ moving and presentation of
‘LittleBigPlanet Hub’, the great game of Sackboy now goes to the free model. PS Vita For we have seen titles like Batman Arkham Blackgate Origins’ or ‘Lego Marvel Super
Heroes’, but on the pitch for’ Borderlands 2 ‘promises to be the first great shooter laptop. PS4 must start by saying that we have official date: November 29 will be in
our stores. ? Companion ando to the release date we have enjoyed once again ‘Watch Dogs’, ‘Infamous: Second are’ unfortunately falls off the list of launch titles, more
‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’, but above all, we have seen first remote PS Vita game ‘Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’. The style of Wii U, and we have seen how well it works
the PS Vita as a remote display.

Fast, reliable, and you pay for tax . Hadn’t used a coin service before because I was very skeptical, but after using FIFA 15 Coins Android I was very happy .

The last major conference was the EA, but actually took place between those of Microsoft and Sony. The Electronic Arts took the German trade fair to showcase their
great titles to the large European audience. Since this is a multi-platform presentation, the title would open the conference was ‘The Sims 4′, the next installment of
one of the best selling games in history. Sims now act on their emotions, something totally new, and promise to have significantly improved the building of houses. From
sagas are going, taught us? An a new ‘Command & Conquer’ campaign mode for 2014? For solo or cooperative, new units, special abilities, the essence of the series with
some other again? I one added. Of course they could not miss the successful franchises in recent years: the saga of cars continue ‘Need for Speed Rivals’ and Bioware
hand, the new ‘Dragon Age Inquisition’. The impressive ‘Titanfall’ showed his immense online about robots in a video mode that leaves considerably high level hype. But
the jewel in the crown is kept for last. ‘Battlefield 4′. They set the date for the online beta for October and left to see the new system and the destruction of
physical scenarios in real time.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

ArcheAge Launch Update: Capacities, Communication, and Where to Find Info


Hi everyone, we'd like to thank you all for being a part of this absolutely massive launch of ArcheAge, Huge archeage gold sale at

We've heard from a lot of you that ArcheAge has stirred up excitement for an MMO in a way that many of you haven't felt in a long time. When people are in and playing, we hear a lot that the game's the great, exciting experience they were waiting for.

While it's been great for many, it's been uneven for others, most notably if you're stuck waiting. (We know, we wait in the same queues you do.)

Know that we haven't been, and won't be, resting until the experience is great for everyone. We've been talking to you a lot about "patience - which has been extreme in some cases for sure.

I'd like to talk about what we're doing to make sure that all of you can have that same kind of experience.


In an ideal world, we have all the hardware we need to host the ideal number of servers, in a way that works best for everyone. We'd strike the perfect balance between launch popularity, when everyone wants to be online 100% of the time, and the settled population of more normal play patterns that will naturally come over time.

In reality, we have to plan capacity months ahead of time, based on things like web site signups, numbers of people who play in alphas and betas, how long they play, and so on. There's a fair amount of science that goes into it, and in general it's pretty accurate. We then include extra for overflow, just in case we need more.

In this case, so many entirely new people showed up that we opened not just all of our launch hardware on the first day, but the overflow hardware soon after as well. Since Head Start, we've expanded both the number of servers and the capacity of all servers steadily. We try to let you know this both on the forums and on Twitter (@ArcheAge]) whenever this occurs.

Inside the business you'll hear people call this "problems of success," but make no mistake - since it negatively affects you, we remain obsessively focused on the "problem" part, not the "success" part. We treat these as high priority problems that we need to solve, as rapidly as possible.


Right. There are things going on both in and out of game to make things better:

1) Yes, more hardware is on its way to helping you! We're still aiming to strike the balance between short and long term and we know with certainty that more hardware is needed for both. We've heard both the "more servers" and "no more servers" crowds, and are certain we need to take steps toward more. I'm happy to share that the next round of hardware landed with our team in Texas this morning.

While I do wish that we could violate the laws of space and time to transport physical servers instantly, and help both NA and EU simultaneously, because of the way hardware is shipped out, and factors like "customs," there will be some delay between helping out the two regions. Do note that we're doing everything we can to make sure that delay is as minimal as possible. (We are aiming for days, not weeks, between.)

We'll be talking more about the details here over the coming days, in our Launch FAQ thread.

2) Note that we've been more aggressively sweeping AFKers, even manually when needed. For example, while we had said during beta that we were tentatively tolerant of AFK mount riding, we'd be keeping an eye out to see if it became a problem. Well, it's officially a problem when actual players who will be playing can't get in.

If you're not actively playing, please do be aware that you might not be there when you get back. Of course, while we do appreciate creative justifications such as "I am merely celebrating the excitement of launch by exercising my steed in a circular pattern for an extended period of time," those will still earn a quick trip to desktop.

We're also going to be setting up a more aggressive AFK timer as is suited to an over-popular launch, and ensuring that there are fewer ways to get around it. Again, this is all to create the greatest opportunity to get active human beings into the game.

3) As with any launch where you get massive numbers of new players, we need great people helping out with the typical things that happen as services scale up, which is why I wanted to talk Customer Service. You have wanted to talk with them. You've wanted to talk with them a lot. And they really do want to help.

Trion's CS team has already been expanded pretty massively, with scores of new people coming on board in the weeks leading up to ArcheAge's launch. There's a veritable dedicated army of people wanting to help. We're also happy to announce that we're ramping that up even more. As with all of our CS in the past, we're continuing down the path of natively fluent CS reps in each language we service.

4) Communication is critical during launches - We do get that. I've personally tweeted more during this launch than I think I have since Twitter existed. We're going to be redoubling our efforts, most notably on our forums, with even more people pitching in.

We had been trying to focus our updates into specific known locations, but that's not having the effect that we had hoped. We need to be in more places and threads that you're already discussing, so you can expect more of that beginning today, and in a more visibly 24/7 fashion than it might have appeared previously. We've been continuously working like crazy knocking down the types of launch issues one might expect, but if you don't see evidence of it, then it's not as helpful to you. We get that too.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Mount Available with 2-Step Verification!

Imagine you're enjoying all Nexus has to offer. You've obtained the rarest of Housing decor, you've maxed your Arena rank in PvP, and you're swimming in gold like the Nexus version of Scrooge McDuck. Living the good life, right? Then all of a sudden, you log in and all your items are gone, your character's left cold and nude in the middle of the capital, and your hard-earned cash has been stolen! That's just the worst. Now imagine that you have 2-Step Verification set-up and it's back to the good life. Your items are safe, your gold's secure. Now your account's much less at risk of being compromised and you can focus on the important stuff. As if keeping all of your hard earned loot secure isn't reason enough to apply 2-Step Verification to your account, we're sweetening up the rewards, cupcake. You'll still get your usual incentive: 2% XP, Renown, and Prestige bonus Cybernetic Eyepatch In-game title of Certifiably Certified But starting July 10th, anyone with an active 2-Step Verification attached to their account gets one of the sweetest rides on Nexus, the Retroblade Mount. If you're already enrolled in 2-Step, you will automatically receive the Retroblade Mount in your Account Inventory by July 10. Don't have 2-Step Verification but want a sweet mount and a safe account? Check out our Knowledge Base article or read our FAQ below to learn more about 2-Step Verification! So don't sit back and let the hackers win. Get 2-Step Verification today and live the good life! Why do I need to add 2-Step Verification? We get it, nobody likes taking orders. But hey, you don't have to do anything. 2-Step Verification isn't required, but it is recommended. It adds an additional layer of security that keeps your account safe from hackers. How does the 2-Step Verification keep my account safe? If you think of your account like a house, your password is the door. Adding 2-Step Verification to that is like putting a heavy-duty lock on that door. You wouldn't leave your door unlocked, would you? What are the other incentives for applying a 2-Step Verification? You get sweet in-game items: the Retro Blade mount, the Cybernetic Eyepatch, an in-game title that'll make you the envy of Nexus. You also get a buff that boosts your XP, Prestige, and Renown. Once I have 2-Step Verification set up, what changes? Logging into WildStar will look a little different, as you'll have that extra layer of security to get through. When you log in, enter your username and password as normal. After that, a pop-up window with a keypad will show over your normal sign-in page, where you'll enter a six-digit code generated by your chosen authenticator, such as the Google Authenticator App (iTunes, Android) Keys on the keypad are positioned randomly and you'll have to click on each key with your mouse.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

What You Must Know To Buy Wow Gold -

Buy wow gold online cheap For accurate amorous gamers, the actualization of multiplayer online role- playing amateur such as World of Warcraft, Wow Gold was added than welcomed. They were able to body up their character, casual through some astonishing and yet acutely air-conditioned adventures, involving monsters and difficult pursuits. Today, the bulk of wow players have added and every day added and added Internet users ascertain their affection for such games. The altered acquaintance and amusement comes from the actuality that anybody has a claimed arena style, authoritative use of the altered assets and abilities in a characteristic way. Still, one of the lots of important things about wow is accepting abundant gold and that is an accepted point for all players out there. Fill out the adjustment form, pay through Pay Pal and acquire your wow gold in about 30 minutes. These are the three accomplish that you will be appropriate to chase if you adjudge to buy wow gold. The adjustment anatomy includes several data including: branch or server name, faction, gold bulk appropriate and the in-game character. Keep in apperception that the analysis footfall is acutely important and you will be accustomed a 5% account if you acquire the verification. Also, be abiding to accord your name and email address. The best affair about such casework is that you account from all the advantages of the online technology. You acquire bargain wow gold in a abbreviate aeon of time, getting at the aforementioned time promised an acquaintance in case you are not annoyed additional you can ability reside chump abutment whenever you need. How about abundant account alms you the exact gaming acquaintance you need? You ability accept a lot of questions or apropos at this point: "You idiot, blooming items are no best accepted with Walk back you can get all of your nice items from quests!" Or you ability be thinking: "well, how the heck do I apperceive what to buy and sell" or "what if I acquirement all of the items that I ambition to resell and some idiot decides to put his items (that he had sitting about in a bank) on the Auction House just a few gold cheaper afterwards seeing my prices and acumen the potential". Well, at atomic now I got you cerebration and application your brain! Let's see, what do banking admiral acquaint your mom and dad about advance their money? "Play it safe, DIVERSIFY" This is actual True. Just like the absolute world, in the apple of WARCRAFT (no pun intended) a astute broker accept to alter a part of altered investments. Don't just buy out one affectionate of an item. At this point you apparently accept even added questions.... All of this sounds wonderful, but I artlessly don't accept any gold because I'm akin 5! Answer: Good for you, I fabricated a lot of my affluence on a akin 3 appearance who I happened to run to Storm wind from the newbie zone. Like I said, alpha small, move assimilate bigger things. Nobody becomes a millionaire in absolute activity after aboriginal demography some abate accomplish (unless they are ability and I am absolutely not one). There are some actual affluent humans in Wow but they didn't get there over night, in actuality they apparently formed their butts off to be area they are. I fabricated over 5k + all sorts of top akin enchants for my approaching characters on a akin 3 who could almost annihilate anything. Now anticipate of a akin 80 and the abeyant there. The added gold you can get to play about with, the bigger toys you can buy!

Article Source:

Friday, July 11, 2014 The golden age of hybrids

Talent possibilities exploded during The Burning Crusade. Ten more levels granted players ten more points to assign. Players could now combine abilities in ways that vanilla's trees had never allowed, opening up exciting new gameplay paths. Buy cheap wow gold & items from Players didn't choose a specialization like they do today. Instead, they assigned points to three different "trees." Each tree represented a spec, but each also had talents that helped the other two specs as well. So players could pick and choose just how far down they wanted to go in a given tree, and thus how much to commit their character to one spec. "Hybrid" builds were not ideal from a min/max perspective, but they were popular. And TBC was the golden age of such builds. For example, paladins could combine some of retribution's DPS talents with the holy tree's Holy Shock to create a "Shockadin" build. (cheap wow gold sale The build allowed a ranged DPS spec for paladins. It wasn't great for endgame dungeons or raiding, but it was fun to play for questing and PvP. "Swift Moonkins" could opt for a more resto-heavy build that gave them access to Nature's Swiftness for instant nukes and more healing capabilities, at the cost of their Force of Nature summon spell. To create such a build, you had to sacrifice acquiring the top-end talents, which were most often powerful new spells. In many cases, however, those 41-point talents were not so amazing that you couldn't live without them. The versatility often made up for the lack of a spec's ultimate spell. Article Source:

Woowowgold Archivist: Talents have come full circle

(Woowowgold wow gold) - WoW Archivist explores the secrets of World of Warcraft's past. What did the game look like years ago? Who is etched into WoW's history? What secrets does the game still hold? The Warlords of Draenor patch 6.0 notes have revealed the latest changes to WoW's ever-evolving talent system. Talents have remained a core system in WoW since its earliest days, the primary method that allows players to make their characters distinct. In the beta for WoW and throughout vanilla, talent trees were a bit of a mess, as Archivist covered. Today, we'll examine how those early trees came to be expanded, refined, and then scrapped for a very different system. We'll also look at how Warlords is bringing back the earliest version of talent trees in a brand new way. Article Source:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blizzcon is inching closer!

 Of course, Hydra logged in just as I picked up the last resource I needed and asked if I wanted to join them in farming for them. Well, maybe next week if it is still around. It’s possible this week will be the last week you can do this quest line and if you haven’t done it yet, at least do it for the pet. During the course of my farming, I picked up all the different Latent this and that items. You have to combine those with a Radical Mojo to get an item you can use. The pet requires one Radical Mojo also though and you get one for each week you turn in the quest. As I only have turned in one (last night), I decided to use my mojo to get the pet instead of the items. If I do complete it this week, I’ll see if one of the items is an upgrade. If not, I might just get another pet and sell it. I don’t think the Level 489 gear would be useful.

Ok. Yes, I don’t just play an idiot on TV (ok, I’m not really on TV) I really am one. I was complaining to Hydra that I would do the weekly resource gathering thing in the Barrens except that I hate having to find a way there. It’s just too much of a hassle.. “Um, why don’t you just take the port from Pandaria?”…. DOH! I had completely forgotten about that port. I used it the first time when I was going through the quest line (I think) but then forgot about it subsequently. So last night, given that I have not yet gotten into the Hearthstone beta (more on that later), I decided to run out there and get ‘er done. Which I did.

Blizzcon is inching closer! Last post I did, I talked about them announcing when tickets were going on sale (wow, it’s been that long?). I did get a ticket, so there is that. We WILL be having our party/meetup. Head over to for information about that and let me know if you are coming and I can add you to the list! I’m very excited about Blizzcon this year. Given that we have skipped a year, I think it will make it all that much more interesting. Hopefully they will announce the next expansion for WoW, maybe an expansion for Diablo 3 and let us play the Starcraft 2 Protoss build. We’ll see.. If you are going to be there and want to meet up, the party is the best, but drop me a line and we can figure something out.

hearthstone_wallpaper800x600And, last but not least, Hearthstone! Hearthstone (hit the link up above in the post to see what it’s all about) looks really cool. I’ve been watching a bunch of live streams on and a few pre-recorded matches on youtube. It seems there is always someone streaming now. I didn’t get a beta invite yet but I’m hoping to get in at some point. I am, of course, worried that I will lose quite a bit of sleep with this thing, but I suppose that’s the price you pay to help out Blizzard in beta testing, right?

Anyway, that’s all for now. Sounds like 5.4 and Flex raiding are right around the corner and I may be getting back into a more regular raiding schedule. If so, maybe I’ll remember to post here more often or at least have something somewhat interesting to say.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

New Crafted PvP Gear-Patch 4.2

Blizzard already announced that there will be a new tier of crafted PvP gear with every new major content patch. It appears that instead of the new recipes, all of the crafted PVP gear will be getting upgraded when patch 4.2 goes live.

All existing recipes will be called "Bloodthirsty" instead of "Bloodied", the Tailoring crafted items don't have a prefix name currently, but now all of them will be called "Bloodthirsty" as well. This gear will have an item level of 358 instead of 339. There will be a new set bonus, 400 resilience rating.

This means you don't have to buy any new recipes, all of your recipes will be upgraded to the new version when patch 4.2 comes out.

However, existing gear made with the older version of the recipes will not be upgraded. Do not stockpile the crafted gear, it won't be upgraded.

These new crafted PvP items use the same materials as the old ones.

There are also new necks, rings, relics and cloaks. All of these new items are item level 358 PvP items.
Updated crafted PvP gear

    Blacksmithing crafted PvP items
    Tailoring crafted PvP items
    Leatherworking crafted PvP items

Jewelcrafting crafted PvP items

    [Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Band]
    [Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Pendant]
    [Bloodthirsty Ruby Choker]
    [Bloodthirsty Ruby Signet]
    [Bloodthirsty Sapphire Necklace]
    [Bloodthirsty Sapphire Ring]

Inscription crafted PvP relics

    [Bloodthirsty Charm of Triumph]
    [Bloodthirsty Eyeball of Dominance]
    [Bloodthirsty Jawbone of Conquest]

PvP Cloaks

    [Bloodthirsty Embersilk Cape]
    [Bloodthirsty Fur Cloak]
    [Bloodthirsty Hide Cloak]