FIFA Coins Shop

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

FIFA 16 was the best-selling game of 2015 in UK

Call Of Duty was not the biggest seller of last year, as the rise of digital saw UK retail sales for games drop 6 per cent.

EA's football giant was the best-selling video game in the UK last year, according to initial reports. Followed by Call Of Duty: Black Ops III, Fallout 4, and Star Wars: Battlefront.

The full top 100 of 2015 will likely be released in a week or so, but according to trade paper MCV the four games above all sold over 1 million copies in the UK alone.

You can see the 2014 top 100 here, which also has FIFA (15) at number one and Call Of Duty (Advanced Warfare) at number two. Grand Theft Auto V was number one in 2013 and Call Of Duty: Black Ops II was top in 2012.

It'll be a while till the US results for December come in, but they're likely to confirm Call Of Duty: Black Ops III as the biggest game worldwide in 2015. Although FIFA has been getting very close in recent years.

In terms of the UK alone last year wasn't actually very good news for retailers like GAME, with overall sales of non-digital games down by 6 per cent on 2014, to 28 million.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One software sales were up 'sharply' and Wii U game sales increased 'slightly'. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 though saw 'big declines'.

Overall there probably was no drop in sales though, but since there are no official figures for digital downloads it's impossible tell for sure.

The rule of thumb at the moment is that digital sales can count for anything up to 20 per cent of a major game's total, so in all likelihood overall sales were probably up in 2015.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

FIFA 16 TOTY Market Crash release time

We wanted to give all FIFA 16 players a heads-up to say that the FIFA 16 TOTY Market Crash release time is coming very soon.

Everyone wants to know when TOTY is released for FIFA 16, but we already told you that it should be on Monday January 11 starting with the Goalkeeper and Defenders.

Many players are offering up their personal FIFA 16 TOTY Market Crash prediction to say that it will be happening towards the end of this week and over the weekend just before the blue TOTY cards are announced.FIFA 16 Coins

We have a very useful video for you to watch now, from YouTuber Nepenthez who offers up his own FIFA 16 TOTY Market Crash advice.

You'll be able to get the lowdown on how the Market Crash works in the game, when it is likely to happen and how to earn coins in FIFA 16 fast before those blue cards start appearing on the market next week.

What players are you waiting to buy in the Market Crash and which players do you recommend to sell to generate a profit for when prices increase after TOTY is out?