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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Mount Available with 2-Step Verification!

Imagine you're enjoying all Nexus has to offer. You've obtained the rarest of Housing decor, you've maxed your Arena rank in PvP, and you're swimming in gold like the Nexus version of Scrooge McDuck. Living the good life, right? Then all of a sudden, you log in and all your items are gone, your character's left cold and nude in the middle of the capital, and your hard-earned cash has been stolen! That's just the worst. Now imagine that you have 2-Step Verification set-up and it's back to the good life. Your items are safe, your gold's secure. Now your account's much less at risk of being compromised and you can focus on the important stuff. As if keeping all of your hard earned loot secure isn't reason enough to apply 2-Step Verification to your account, we're sweetening up the rewards, cupcake. You'll still get your usual incentive: 2% XP, Renown, and Prestige bonus Cybernetic Eyepatch In-game title of Certifiably Certified But starting July 10th, anyone with an active 2-Step Verification attached to their account gets one of the sweetest rides on Nexus, the Retroblade Mount. If you're already enrolled in 2-Step, you will automatically receive the Retroblade Mount in your Account Inventory by July 10. Don't have 2-Step Verification but want a sweet mount and a safe account? Check out our Knowledge Base article or read our FAQ below to learn more about 2-Step Verification! So don't sit back and let the hackers win. Get 2-Step Verification today and live the good life! Why do I need to add 2-Step Verification? We get it, nobody likes taking orders. But hey, you don't have to do anything. 2-Step Verification isn't required, but it is recommended. It adds an additional layer of security that keeps your account safe from hackers. How does the 2-Step Verification keep my account safe? If you think of your account like a house, your password is the door. Adding 2-Step Verification to that is like putting a heavy-duty lock on that door. You wouldn't leave your door unlocked, would you? What are the other incentives for applying a 2-Step Verification? You get sweet in-game items: the Retro Blade mount, the Cybernetic Eyepatch, an in-game title that'll make you the envy of Nexus. You also get a buff that boosts your XP, Prestige, and Renown. Once I have 2-Step Verification set up, what changes? Logging into WildStar will look a little different, as you'll have that extra layer of security to get through. When you log in, enter your username and password as normal. After that, a pop-up window with a keypad will show over your normal sign-in page, where you'll enter a six-digit code generated by your chosen authenticator, such as the Google Authenticator App (iTunes, Android) Keys on the keypad are positioned randomly and you'll have to click on each key with your mouse.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

What You Must Know To Buy Wow Gold -

Buy wow gold online cheap For accurate amorous gamers, the actualization of multiplayer online role- playing amateur such as World of Warcraft, Wow Gold was added than welcomed. They were able to body up their character, casual through some astonishing and yet acutely air-conditioned adventures, involving monsters and difficult pursuits. Today, the bulk of wow players have added and every day added and added Internet users ascertain their affection for such games. The altered acquaintance and amusement comes from the actuality that anybody has a claimed arena style, authoritative use of the altered assets and abilities in a characteristic way. Still, one of the lots of important things about wow is accepting abundant gold and that is an accepted point for all players out there. Fill out the adjustment form, pay through Pay Pal and acquire your wow gold in about 30 minutes. These are the three accomplish that you will be appropriate to chase if you adjudge to buy wow gold. The adjustment anatomy includes several data including: branch or server name, faction, gold bulk appropriate and the in-game character. Keep in apperception that the analysis footfall is acutely important and you will be accustomed a 5% account if you acquire the verification. Also, be abiding to accord your name and email address. The best affair about such casework is that you account from all the advantages of the online technology. You acquire bargain wow gold in a abbreviate aeon of time, getting at the aforementioned time promised an acquaintance in case you are not annoyed additional you can ability reside chump abutment whenever you need. How about abundant account alms you the exact gaming acquaintance you need? You ability accept a lot of questions or apropos at this point: "You idiot, blooming items are no best accepted with Walk back you can get all of your nice items from quests!" Or you ability be thinking: "well, how the heck do I apperceive what to buy and sell" or "what if I acquirement all of the items that I ambition to resell and some idiot decides to put his items (that he had sitting about in a bank) on the Auction House just a few gold cheaper afterwards seeing my prices and acumen the potential". Well, at atomic now I got you cerebration and application your brain! Let's see, what do banking admiral acquaint your mom and dad about advance their money? "Play it safe, DIVERSIFY" This is actual True. Just like the absolute world, in the apple of WARCRAFT (no pun intended) a astute broker accept to alter a part of altered investments. Don't just buy out one affectionate of an item. At this point you apparently accept even added questions.... All of this sounds wonderful, but I artlessly don't accept any gold because I'm akin 5! Answer: Good for you, I fabricated a lot of my affluence on a akin 3 appearance who I happened to run to Storm wind from the newbie zone. Like I said, alpha small, move assimilate bigger things. Nobody becomes a millionaire in absolute activity after aboriginal demography some abate accomplish (unless they are ability and I am absolutely not one). There are some actual affluent humans in Wow but they didn't get there over night, in actuality they apparently formed their butts off to be area they are. I fabricated over 5k + all sorts of top akin enchants for my approaching characters on a akin 3 who could almost annihilate anything. Now anticipate of a akin 80 and the abeyant there. The added gold you can get to play about with, the bigger toys you can buy!

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Friday, July 11, 2014 The golden age of hybrids

Talent possibilities exploded during The Burning Crusade. Ten more levels granted players ten more points to assign. Players could now combine abilities in ways that vanilla's trees had never allowed, opening up exciting new gameplay paths. Buy cheap wow gold & items from Players didn't choose a specialization like they do today. Instead, they assigned points to three different "trees." Each tree represented a spec, but each also had talents that helped the other two specs as well. So players could pick and choose just how far down they wanted to go in a given tree, and thus how much to commit their character to one spec. "Hybrid" builds were not ideal from a min/max perspective, but they were popular. And TBC was the golden age of such builds. For example, paladins could combine some of retribution's DPS talents with the holy tree's Holy Shock to create a "Shockadin" build. (cheap wow gold sale The build allowed a ranged DPS spec for paladins. It wasn't great for endgame dungeons or raiding, but it was fun to play for questing and PvP. "Swift Moonkins" could opt for a more resto-heavy build that gave them access to Nature's Swiftness for instant nukes and more healing capabilities, at the cost of their Force of Nature summon spell. To create such a build, you had to sacrifice acquiring the top-end talents, which were most often powerful new spells. In many cases, however, those 41-point talents were not so amazing that you couldn't live without them. The versatility often made up for the lack of a spec's ultimate spell. Article Source:

Woowowgold Archivist: Talents have come full circle

(Woowowgold wow gold) - WoW Archivist explores the secrets of World of Warcraft's past. What did the game look like years ago? Who is etched into WoW's history? What secrets does the game still hold? The Warlords of Draenor patch 6.0 notes have revealed the latest changes to WoW's ever-evolving talent system. Talents have remained a core system in WoW since its earliest days, the primary method that allows players to make their characters distinct. In the beta for WoW and throughout vanilla, talent trees were a bit of a mess, as Archivist covered. Today, we'll examine how those early trees came to be expanded, refined, and then scrapped for a very different system. We'll also look at how Warlords is bringing back the earliest version of talent trees in a brand new way. Article Source: